Revolutionary Health with Stephanie Center

Revolutionary Health with Stephanie Center

Hosted by: Stephanie Center

Welcome to Revolutionary Health, I am your host, Stephanie Center. I am a licensed clinician (not that it matters) in search of how to live a meaningful and healthy life. I challenge both traditional and functional...


17. How Colon Hydrotherapy can Heal Your Gut and Improve Longevity

Season #1 Episode #17

What exactly is colon hydrotherapy? How does it work? What are the health benefits? How often should I do it? This episode is a comprehensive colon hydrotherapy 101 session with expert Genetta Moore. We take a deep...
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16. Finding Courage and Strength in Your Own Wellness Story.

Season #1 Episode #16

What do cancer, body dysmorphia, and emotional eating have in common? They are all unique chapters in a healing story. They are experiences that both bring us to our knees and strengthen us at the same time. In...
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15. Self-Care Strategies, Intuition, Mindfulness, and the Magic of Yoga

Season #1 Episode #15

Need a break from the fast-paced crazy? Feeling like you've lost connection with your sense of intuition? In this episode, you can explore how to get in touch with your inner being, bring attention to those vital...
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14. How to Use Adaptogenic Herbs and Medicinal Mushrooms to Support a Healthy Response to Stress.

Season #1 Episode #14

Burning the candle at both ends? Busy and burnt out? Tired of being tired? We live in a time where “busy” is the new normal. Our time is spread thin and as a result, our cortisol is through the roof! Hellllo adrenal...
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13. Self-Love Talk & Strategies for Coping with Anxiety

Season #1 Episode #13

Learn how to speak self-love into your life in an empowering way with Caroline Aylward. Anxiety is real. Negative self-talk happens. Become aware of these moments and develop internal tools to change the way you treat...
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12. Learning how to be your own North Star in the Complex World of Health

Season #1 Episode #12

When it comes to your health, there are a LOT of moving pieces that can impact the quality of care you receive. Between multiple providers, confusing health terms, conflicting evidence and methodologies, political...
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11. 5 Beauty Hacks for Glowing Skin

Season #1 Episode #11

Tired of dull skin? Overwhelmed by all the creams and ointments out there? Skin care is a 148.3 billion dollar per year industry. Why? Because these skin care companies understand your pain points! They know how to...
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10. What Your Gut says About Your Risk for Infection

Season #1 Episode #10

Discover the secrets of the gut microbiome and how it functions. Learn why gut health is crucial to your immune system and the role it plays in your risk for infections.  Leave this episode with a list of practical...
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9. Balance Your Hormones with these 4 Simple and Effective Strategies

Season #1 Episode #9

Hormones out of whack?! Feeling irritable, breaking out, sugar cravings…they are all signs that your hormones are sending you an SOS! In today's episode we dive into what can MAKE or BREAK our hormones. We discuss 4...
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8. How Algae can Reduce Inflammation, Support Your Immune Function, Help you Detox, and Give you Amazing Skin and Hair!

Season #1 Episode #8

Listen to my fascinating interview with Catherine Arnston, the founder of Energy Bits. Catherine has an amazing personal story of how she came to know algae and how it’s changed her life. She has worked really hard to...
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6. What You Need to Know About Your Thyroid

Season #1 Episode #6

Thyroid health is so integral to our overall health. It’s estimated that 27 million Americans have an un-diagnosed thyroid disorder. 90-90% of low thyroid is caused by the autoimmune condition Hashimoto’s...
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5. Insidious Racism and Health Outcomes in African Americans

Season #1 Episode #5

Let me begin by saying that change starts with me. I am listening and learning. Today’s message is heavy and important. Learn about how insidious racism affects the health and wellness of African Americans in the...
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